Friday, April 26, 2024

Postively Hitlerian

By Sniffles

Our feed on Twitter has been consumed with dog content, we're sorry to report. Not because we hate dogs (although we cats are vastly superior to them), but because any story about an animal mistreated or murdered chills us to our feline bones.

Enter this very strange story about South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem bragging about killing one of her dogs, execution style, because it was "untrainable." After the dirty deed, Noem's daughter asked, "Mom, where's Cricket?" "Cricket is dead," Noem allegedly replied. And the interwebs went wild.

It got to the point where we were desperately searching for Trump trial news, but couldn't find anything amid the anti-Noem outrage by dog lovers like ex-Republicans George Conway and Rick Wilson. (Even Trumpsters like Laura Loomer took offense.) People were posting photos of their beloved canines to drive home the point that Noem is a soulless monster. But that's okay. Because she is.

Also, if you're looking for more Nazi parallels for today's Republican Party, Noem just provided one. In 1945, Adolf Hitler killed his German shepherd Blondi, to test the cyanide he had in case the Red Army closed in on him. It worked. Happily, though, Hitler shot himself in the mouth the next day. We cats PURR.

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