Thursday, July 24, 2008

"In the Tank" for McCain, Actually

By Zamboni

It looks as if Senator McCain hasn't lost all of "his base" — the press. Not quite yet.

In a week in which the McCain campaign has openly pouted about the media's huge alleged crush on Senator Obama, the presumptive Republican nominee can still count on the folks over at CBS.

Because in an interview with Katie Couric the other day, Senator McCain got wrong what he called "just a basic matter of history": the timeline of the Anbar Awakening in Iraq and the Bush Administration's subsequent escalation of the war. But never mind. Ms. Couric did not challenge the Senator on his false assertion, and when the interview went into the can, the CBS editing team left the error on the cutting room floor — substituting another answer instead.

Here's the video. (Thanks to Media Matters for sharing it.)

We cats are appalled that CBS would cover up for Senator McCain. And we can imagine how quickly the media would jump on Senator Obama for a mistake like this. They would have pounced faster than we do on a catnip mouse!

We HISS at Ms. Couric and the Colombia Broadcasting System. But we also HISS at Senator McCain, and not just because he can't get his facts straight. This is, we believe, the first interview in which he tried out his new talking point — that "Senator Obama would rather lose a war than lose a campaign."


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