Friday, July 25, 2008

Mes Chats Sonts les Democrats

By Baxter

Senator Obama is in Paris, and we cats can hear the right-wing blowhards already: "Ooooh! Obama and the French are saying nice things about each other!"

To which we respond with one question: Can we stop?

It's not just that we cats like France because we've had French lessons since the third grade. (Note to Francophiles: That was many, many years ago, and we still have much to learn before we speak your beautiful language correctly.)

It's just that we're sick and tired of all the anti-Gallic stuff that we've had to put up with since the frenzied, lie-soaked run-up to the war in Iraq that was staged by the Bush Administration back in 2003. Heck, we can even remember a lovely French restaurant in our local downtown having to hang an American flag in their window. All because France (and Canada, and other countries) refused to allow themselves to be distracted from the real front in the war on terror: Afghanistan.

And don't even get us started on the reception that the Montreal Canadiens received when they came to play our NHL team that season. Suffice to say, ce n'etait pas jolie.

But you know what? France was right. Here we are, spending trillions of dollars in Iraq, and they're not. Here we are, spinning our wheels in a country that had nothing to do with September 11, while the Taliban and Al Qaeda regroup in Afghanistan. But President Sarkozy is too polite to say "Nanny, nanny, boo boo" (or however you say that in French).

In fact, Sarkozy — a right-of-center President, by the way — said that he and Senator Obama had "a great convergence of views."

Now, that's actualities we can use.

We PURR in President Sarkozy's direction, for being such a bon ami. And we celebrate the fact that the dreary days of "Freedom Fries" appear to be over.

(Photo: AP.

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