Thursday, April 16, 2009

"We Have Been Through a Dark and Painful Chapter in Our History"

By Sniffles

This sign, held by a protester at yesterday's "tea party" in Philadelphia, would always be stupid. But it's particularly stupid today.

This afternoon, President Obama released four previously classified memos from the Bush White House that detail (and attempt to justify) the torture methods used by the CIA on terror suspects.

The descriptions in these memos — which have been released almost entirely without censorship — are enough to make us cats hack up a hairball. Years ago, we visited castles in Europe with dungeons featuring the very torture techniques our nation is guilty of now. A queasy feeling, to say the least.

But back to the photo of our little Philadelphia teabagger. One of the problems with yesterday's demonstrations is that the participants lacked a clear, cohesive message. Some were anti-tax or protesting the deficit — but many others were fringe people, including "birthers," gun nuts, homophobes, Eric Rudolph fans, Palin supporters, Ayn Rand devotees, and white supremacists who put away their Nazi armbands for the day.

Ergo, this guy. Clearly he's one of those morons who believes that President Obama is a Muslim — despite the fact that Mr. Obama's campaign was nearly derailed last year by his Christian minister, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright. How that translated into the President being a Muslim, we have no freaking idea.

And now, the Bush torture memos. Written in the Administration of the guy who said his favorite political philosopher was Jesus Christ.

So we have to ask this teabagger: Which President is the real Christian?

The guy who tortured — or the guy who put a stop to it?

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