Friday, May 8, 2009

Tidbits and Cat Treats (Friday Edition 2)

By Sniffles

What a week! We cats are catching our breaths — and eagerly awaiting tomorrow's arrival of TIME magazine so we can curl up in our owners' favorite chair and read that dishy story about the sorry state of the Republican Party.

Meanwhile, we just have a few questions.

If there's no global warming, why is Sarah Palin staying away from the White House Correspondents' Dinner because it's 70 degrees in Alaska and there's a flood?

Why don't our liberal friends understand the concept of political capital? We refer specifically to the lefty voices rising to complain that President Obama hasn't jumped feet first into gay rights yet. We cats say, it looks like marriage equality's got a winning formula right now — at the state level, where acceptance can continue to grow. Don't interfere!

Why do people think torture is okay if it works? (P.S.: It doesn't.)

Why doesn't Dick Cheney volunteer to have his grandchildren waterboarded?

What is that black triangle in the bottom right-hand corner of this career-ending picture? And why didn't they just Photoshop the damn thing?

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