Friday, August 6, 2010

Lest We Furr-get: "The Will of the People" Edition

By Miss Kubelik

We cats are still plowing our way through 138 pages of Judge Vaughn Walker's decision in Perry v. Schwarzenegger, and enjoying every page. But we're enjoying the outrage on the right even more.

Gasp! Choke! Judge Walker is a lefty gay Commie who's overridden the values of 7 million California voters! Never mind that the time to complain about the judge's alleged sexual orientation is well past. Never mind that he's a Reagan-Bush appointee that the Democrats once blocked as too right wing. And never mind that we're only talking about 52 percent of "the people" — not that percentages actually matter when it comes to protecting minority rights.

What really amuses us cats is the suddenly sacred esteem in which the anti-gay-marriage crowd holds the electoral process. Somehow we don't remember them getting all upset when Floridians' votes went uncounted in 2000. And surely they haven't accepted the will of the 65 million American voters who decided two years ago that Barack Obama should be President.

Finally, if they really, truly believed in the will of the people, they would wholeheartedly agree with Republican Senator Lindsey Graham's vote to confirm our newest Supreme Court justice, Elena Kagan.

"Elections," Senator Graham quoted in deferring to Presidential appointment power, "have consequences."

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