Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Brewer Bounces Birther Bill. Freepers Fume.

By Sniffles

Okay, we cats just want to say for the record that we're still not going to any meetings or conventions in Arizona any time soon. But yesterday Governor Jan Brewer vetoed two disgusting teabagger bills. So maybe we'll stop regretting that charming Christmas Night we spent drinking in Fredonia so long ago.

Brewer tossed a bill that would have allowed guns on college campuses, and vetoed the teabag-fave "birther bill," which its sponsors swear, up and down, has nothing to do with President Obama.

“I never imagined being presented with a bill that could require candidates for president of the greatest and most powerful nation on earth to submit their ‘early baptismal or circumcision certificates,'" Brewer said. (We cats wonder: What would a Jewish woman submit?)

Well, at any rate, Jan Brewer isn't the most popular person over at Free Republic right now. We cats once again have performed the vital public service of wading through the filth for the choicest remarks. Here's a small sampling:

"She is the idiot I always believed her to be."

"I want to vomit! Who would have thought that Jan Brewer was nothing but a weak Janet Napolitano wannabe. What the hell is wrong with this country?"

"She's been talking to Karl Rove."

"Remember Jan Brewer WAS the Arizona Secretary of State for the 2008 Presidential election. SHE validated the usurper on Arizona’s ballot. She is implicated in the cover up."

"Somebody got to her. That leaves Jindal (LA). IF the LA legislature passes their bill and he doesn’t sign it, we know all bets are off and the nation will be gone in 4-10 years."

"Can a 50-year-old woman (or however old she is) be as stupid as a 7th-grade girl in heat? What kind of morons is she listening to anyway?"

"Another back room deal... another high-priced escort."

Goodness gracious, these people are vicious. (And we cats only call her Governor Melty-Face!) Jan, we think you'd better watch your back. Except maybe for this commenter, who we're sure will be hounded from the Freeper site forthwith:

"You all are just ignorant dolts. To claim that he wasn’t born in the USA with zero evidence of that fact. You all dismiss all the evidence that he was in fact born in Hawaii. Stupid fools. All of you."

(PHOTO: Governor Brewer greets the President as he arrives at the January Tucson memorial. The Freepers see this picture as more evidence of her complicity in the evil Obama conspiracy.)

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