Friday, April 8, 2011

Glenn Beck Hates (Fat) America

"If I want to be a fat, fat, fattie and shovel French fries all day long, that is my choice. But, oh ho. No, not so fast anymore. Because now we have the new fact, whether you like it or not, we have government health care now... [T]he nation's health care costs are directly tied to the government, and obesity is one of — if not the most costly conditions, costing you and me now at least $150 billion a year.

"You know those fat people who sit in their couch — and I mean really fat... I mean the people who, like — their skin grows into the couch. And then, you know, they call the fire department and they cut them out of the wall, and then they have to bring in a truck, and then they take them to the hospital. I say let them die."

—Glenn Beck, September 14, 2010

1 comment:

The Cranky Copywriter said...

You're not being fair. Chris Christie is not fat. He's incredibly obese.