Sunday, July 24, 2011

Freepers To Perry: "We Don't"

By Baxter

We cats could think of no better way to celebrate New York's first day of marriage equality than to see whether Rick Perry has freaked the Freepers out.

And he has. O joy!

The Governor of Texas, who is constantly being mentioned as a possible Presidential candidate by panicked Republicans who hate their 2012 field, is without a doubt a far-right whackjob who thinks you can pray away every problem America has. But he's made the interesting and potentially Freeper-bending comment that constitutionally, his support of states' rights trumps his opposition to gay marriage.

We just had to know how our teabaggy friends over at Free Republic were reacting to that. What fun, watching them forced to choose between Perry and their rampant homophobia. So, without further ado, here are some of their most memorable sputterings. (At least, ones that, apparently unlike many, were not deleted by the moderator. Also, they're upset, so their spelling and grammar have gone a bit awry. Enjoy!)

"This bozo has no business being in politics, let alone as a governor. Marriage has been defined as a union between one man and one woman in law dictionarys [sic]."

"I’m opposed to gay marriage as a matter of principal [sic]."

"Perry was an anti-Reagan activist Democrat that [sic] fought Reagan and supported his opponents in 1980 and 1984, and Al Gore in 1988."

"Rick Perry is a phony. I don’t know why anybody gives this guy one speck of credibility."

"Perry does give off the same old smarmy politician vibe. Better than BO but still gives me that impression."

"The nice thing about a long primary season is that one usually gets to see one’s 'pretty boy' candidate show some in this case. He’s toast...thankfully."

"Why does Rush Limbaugh promote this guy?"

"I DON'T LIKE THIS!! PERRY has just joined my CRAP list along with Christie and Daniels as being ISLAMOPHILIC [sic] ECONOMIC CONSERVATIVES who are SOCIAL LIBERALS!!"

"OK, well, that has to be a record for the shortest campaign in history. Over 3 weeks before he announces."

"Just crossed Perry off the list. Next!"


The Cranky Copywriter said...

What I find surprising is none of the Freepers have brough up Perry's past accusations of homosexuality. You would think that would be first ammunition they would reach for. This means, more than likely,that they have not heard any rumors. That should make Perry happy.

The Cat's Meow said...

Yes. Strangely, we cats saw no references to that rumor on Free Republic. Obviously they're out of the loop when it comes to dish.