Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Fredding of the GOP

By Zamboni

We cats are not watching the 2012 Republican clown college go after each other this evening. We're applying our time-honored Academy Awards rule: Why waste hours seeing it live when we can read all about it in three minutes tomorrow morning?

But we did quickly beam into the political talk shows today — at least, as much as we could stand. The topic du jour (and for jours well before this): Why "Herb" Cain is a joke. Not that they were putting it that way, but that was the essence of the conversation.

As the prognosticators describe the GOP candidates as "flavors of the week," an analogy has dawned on us. Remember Fred Thompson? In 2008, he was going to be the savior of a Republican Party that was struggling with who could possibly succeed the disastrous George W. Bush. Thompson dillydallied for awhile, and his entry into the race was eagerly anticipated. But he quickly crashed and burned.

A Fred Thompson candidacy used to happen only once or twice an election cycle. But this Republican crowd for 2012 is so bad, that with the possible exception of Mitt Romney — who holds pretty steady at, but cannot seem to improve upon, his 26 percent — they're all Fred Thompsons.

Meanwhile, congratulations to David Axlerod, for putting the GOP in its place. Was Barack Obama unprepared for the Presidency, as the Republicans claim? "Maybe you should go ask Osama bin Laden," Axelrod replied. We cats PURR.

(IMAGE: Thompson shills for reverse mortgages now. How Presidential.)

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