Thursday, October 27, 2011

Occupy Eric

By Baxter

Have you been tracking Eric Cantor's comings and goings lately? That's a trick question, because keeping tabs on the little weasel can be pretty tough.

See, Cantor is ducking the "mobs" — which is what he famously called the Occupy Wall Street folks.

First, he canceled a speech at the University of Pennsylvania (at the last minute, we might add). Now, he's scheduled to speak at Northwestern University tomorrow, but unlike most campus addresses given by visiting dignitaries, it's all very hush-hush.

What does Cantor think — that if the Occupy demonstrators get hold of him, they'll Gaddafi him? "Now that we know when and where he'll be, there will be people there," an Occupy organizer said.

Whatever he's afraid of (and we cats think we know what that is), we're willing to bet that he finks out on his Northwestern speech, too. Because that's what finks do.

UPDATE: Okay, we were wrong: The little weasel spoke at Northwestern today after all. Don't "demonize" rich people, he implored. Not very brave of him, considering that his audience was invitation-only.

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