Monday, May 14, 2012

A Conference Call We're Glad We Were Left Out Of

By Sniffles

We cats could never be President. Not because we think the job is awful. It must be really neat to live at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, and ride around in Air Force One, and have people stand up every time you walk into a room. (Although cats definitely merit that last one, superior beings that we are.)

No, we could never be President because then we'd have to do things like call a bunch of pastors after announcing our support for marriage equality. As President Obama had to do last week.

Ugh, we just don't have the patience for that. Smoothing the ruffled fur of guys who think the Bible should determine civil rights, and civil law? No, thanks.

But then, we never did understand why more than a thousand federal benefits conferred on legally married straight Americans should be denied gay Americans because, 2,000 years ago, some jerk wrote hate into a document that later generations called Scripture.

We are not, as a rule, against religion. But this cacophony about marriage equality infringing on "religious freedom" is a canard. No member of the clergy, or any congregation, is being forced to perform gay marriages. Which makes us very irritated — that is, hissy and snarly — with pastors who seem to think that they are.

Therefore, the more we admire President Obama. We already knew he had a ton of patience with Republicans. Apparently he has even more with narrow-minded members of his own and other faiths.

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