Friday, May 4, 2012

Woe Is Willard: Dissident Chinese Guy Edition

By Baxter

You know you're really running a bad campaign when you prove Bill Kristol right.

But Willard and the Romneybots couldn't help themselves, could they? They just had to jump in and pronounce the Administration's handling of the Chen Guangcheng situation a "day of shame." Goodness gracious.

Day of shame? We'll tell you what constitutes a day of shame. Abu Ghraib comes to mind. Never finding Saddam Hussein's WMD, too. In fact, let's go way back and cite Bush v. Gore. Gawd, what a day of shame that was.

Meanwhile, while the putative Republican nominee sputtered and fussed, the U.S. and China quietly forged a solution behind closed doors. Doors, we might add, that Willard Mitt Romney currently is not allowed to pass through.

Kristol termed Romney's rush to judgment "foolish." We agree. Willard, you're an idiot. Sit down and shut up.

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