Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Maybe They Should Change It to "Inner" Banks

By Miss Kubelik

We cats continue to be struck by the way the previous Administration was able to do stuff in the eyes of the press that the current Administration cannot.

Case in point: The Worst Person Who's Ever Lived disagreed with his Vice President — the Worst Person Who's Ever Lived (If Indeed He Were a Person) — on extending marriage to gay people. The former Vice President (sorry, we're not going to type our name for him again) has a lesbian daughter, and he's been pretty vocal and active about wanting that daughter to enjoy equal rights.

But apparently President Obama and Vice President Biden are not allowed to similarly disagree.

This is puzzling, particularly since although our President falls short of endorsing marriage equality, he isn't relying on a closeted, self-loathing homosexual to help him ride to re-election by demonizing gays.

Believe us, we cats would rather have a Cabinet publicly disagreeing on a domestic policy matter than to have a bunch of lamebrains staying silent while their bosses (and colleagues like this) beat the drums for a trumped-up war.

Meanwhile, North Carolina votes today. We agree with Governor Bev Perdue that a marriage equality ban would damage the state's reputation. We often wonder how employers in ass-backwards states like Kansas or Oklahoma, or in states that legislate hate, like Arizona, manage to recruit any up-and-coming young professionals to live and work there.

And now it looks like North Carolina, the site of our 2012 convention, is about to join their ranks. As they say in heavily Catholic Quebec, where marriage equality has been legal since 2005, tant pis.

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