Thursday, June 20, 2013

Is Boehner Inept? Bet The Farm On It.

By Baxter

Wow, Republicans have so turned into the We Hate Everybody Party that they can't even pass a freaking farm bill.

House GOP "leaders" (a.k.a., Bonehead, Clueless and McIdiot) thought they had the votes for farm legislation that used to be a no-brainer and that a major Republican constituency wants. But the bill went down to defeat today because the teabagger caucus just insisted on adding a food-stamp gouge.

Yep, Republicans really hate hungry people. Or poor people. Or that "47 percent" that Willard Mitt Romney was yammering about last year.

We cats hate to break it to the Grand Old Party, but sooner or later they're going to have get over their contempt for folks who aren't like them and try to govern. Otherwise, even their natural allies — ag companies today, or big and small businesses who want immigration reform tomorrow — are going to abandon them.

Which will make us cats PURR.

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