Friday, June 14, 2013

Jeb Bush Said What?

By Zamboni

From the Just-When-You-Think-They-Can't-Get-Any-Worse Department — and believe us, there's lots of competition — Jeb Bush takes the prize.

Immigrants are "more fertile," he says.

Goodness gracious. We cats just can't get over the Republicans' preoccupation with private parts and birthing babies. Although that doesn't mean they're in favor of reproductive freedom, mind you. No, they want to control that part your life — so they are obsessed, obsessed, obsessed. Like 10-year-olds looking up dirty words in the dictionary, they can't stop talking about it.

But the interesting thing about this particular running-at-the-Republican-mouth is that it comes from the guy the pundits have dubbed The Serious One. The guy who's going to save the GOP from itself, even though he carries That Dreaded Last Name. Because compared to the nutcases running the party these days, he's allegedly "moderate" and "reasonable" and — oh, yes — he's married to that Mexican customs criminal, and speaks Spanish.

The Serious One! So, this is the best the GOP's got?

We cats don't know whether to PURR or HISS. Either way, Jeb! has got some 'splainin' to do.

1 comment:

The Cranky Copywriter said...

I think Mr. Bush made this comment when thinking about his brother George and his sister-in-law Laura. He never could understand why, as good Christians, they only produced offspring once with their twins. But I think if he knew more of the details, he would appreciate that it had more to do with propinquity than infertility.