Saturday, May 17, 2014

Visual Aids: Two Million — And, Um, Not Two Million

By Sniffles

See this? This is what two million Americans converging on the National Mall in January 2009 looked like: Each face a tiny pixel, stretching from the Capitol to the Washington Monument to the Lincoln Memorial — all to celebrate the inauguration of Barack Hussein Obama as President of the United States.

Now, see this? This is what the pathetic "Operation American Spring" turned out in Washington today, after predicting — believe it or not — that 10 million (maybe even 30 million) teabaggers would swarm DC and topple our duly elected government.

Sure, nobody showed up, but never mind that. All you have to do is look at photos of a "mere" two million people at Obama's first inauguration to know that anticipating a 10-, 20- or 30-million-person turnout is right out of Tinfoil Hat Land.

We cats are thankful that the teabaggers are the Republican Party's problem and not ours. But we're wondering when the media will stop cloaking them with even a modicum of respectability. Because — with apologies in advance for our choice of phraseology — they are all fucking nuts.

1 comment:

Syrbal/Labrys said...

I do have to say, that news was my dose of Monday schadenfreud -- but yes, nuts they are.