Friday, October 3, 2014

Michigan Republicans Did What?

By Baxter

Republicans are SO worried about what they deem to be the beginning of life that they think nothing of running roughshod over women's Constitutionally mandated reproductive freedom to protect it. But they have no trouble with the idea of torturing people at the end of life.

How else can you explain the Michigan GOP's flyer that tells supporters to call the 91-year-old mother of John Fisher, a Democratic state house candidate, and harangue her about her son's support for Obamacare?

The flyer included a phone number for Fisher's mom, who — get this — is in a hospice. That means she's dying, folks.

Fisher, we're glad to report, had the perfect response.

"To direct people to call a suffering woman who deserves peace and comfort is beyond the pale. Their lack of ethics and contempt for personal privacy is just another reason for people to question what — or better, who — the Republican Party stands for."

As we all know, this isn't the first time Republicans have harassed a hospice patient. But thanks to this and their rampant obliteration of abortion rights, we also know that Fisher is exactly right. Contempt is the word. We cats HISS.

UPDATE: A faithful reader reminds us that this is the second time in 2014 that Republicans have been caught barging into a nursing home. You know, it's one short step from that to forcing transvaginal ultrasounds on girls who have been raped by their stepfathers. We cats hack up a big, gooey hairball in Terri Lynn Land's underwear drawer.

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