Sunday, July 26, 2015

DumbDumb Debate

By Sniffles

Although the hapless inhabitants of Pundit World are trying to pretend that Donald Trump's Republican primary surge has "peaked," we cats beg to differ. It's clearly wishful thinking, as today's NBC News/Marist poll shows: D.T. is #1 in New Hampshire and breathing down Scott Walker's neck in Iowa. Gosh!

Which reminds us, did you catch the insults that Trump hurled Walker's way yesterday? So let's discuss the August 6 GOP debate — for which Trump will surely be onstage, and over which the overpaid, under-intelligent Beltway prognosticators are wringing their hands.

Prediction: Trump will say or do another outlandish thing a day or two prior to Cleveland. We cats would be shocked if he didn't, because it would change the conversation, roil the questioning and  mess with everybody's minds.

It'll be an added wrinkle to an already fraught situation for the other clown-car candidates. Think about it: If you were a GOP campaign staffer, how would you prep your candidate for this FOX "News" circus? They won't know until "the most recent polls" come out which clown will be on which stage. So, Republican campaign managers: Will your guy (or gal) be at the grown-up table or the kid table? What if you prep your candidate to slam Lady Lindsey Graham on national defense, or trade barbs with Jeb! Bush on Common Core, only to see him/her have to settle for raking Piyush Jindal over the sad state of Louisiana?

And even if your candidate is solidly at the grown-up table, there still will be a thousand other people on the stage. How many zingers for how many competing candidates can one person memorize? What if Trump drives the debate in a totally different direction and your guy loses the chance to deliver his best line?

What a mess. We wonder when Rancid Pieface is going to be called to account for it. And funny how these people think they should run the country when they can't even run this. We cats HISS and PURR at the same time.

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