Monday, December 7, 2015

Bringing Trump To Heel?

By Zamboni

Now that GOP front-runner Donald Trump has called for barring all incoming Muslims to the United States, we cats are wondering when in the hell someone in the Republican Party is going to really try to smack him down. (Effectively, we mean. Rick Perry's stupid "cancer on conservatism" doesn't count.)

See, while we Democrats are enjoying all the Republican chaos, we are, we have to say, truly revolted by the off-the-charts rhetoric that's being tossed around on their side of the aisle, as if it's something normal in American political discourse. (Note to young folks who are just starting to pay attention: It isn't.) So we think it's important that somebody in Rancid Pieface's world steps forward in the spirit of Margaret Chase Smith or Joseph Welch, and does America a service.

Both Smith and Welch went up against Trumpian demagogue Joseph McCarthy in the 1950s. Welch famously slapped the junior Senator from Wisconsin around during the 1954 Army-McCarthy hearings ("Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last?"). But Smith, a Republican Senator from Maine, spoke out earlier. In June 1950, she made a "Declaration of Conscience" on the Senate floor, with these words:

"I speak as a Republican. I speak as a woman. I speak as a United States Senator. I speak as an American...Those of us who shout the loudest about Americanism in making character assassinations are all too frequently those who, by our own words and acts, ignore some of the basic principles of Americanism."

Suffice to say that Margaret Chase Smith would not be welcome in the Republican Party of 2015. Still, we wonder who among the GOP's 2016 clown car is capable of dinging Trump for his bigotry and hatred, especially when some Republicans are clearly trying to figure out how they can extend Richard Nixon's famous Southern Strategy with The Donald at the top of the ticket.

That person could possibly be John Kasich, who has mounted a recent anti-Trump ad campaign. But we're actually convinced it could and should be Lindsey Graham, who just famously took Rafael Cruz, Jr. down a peg at the recent Republican Jewish confab.

Trouble is, Lady Lindsey, polling at less than zero percent, will never make it onto that December 15 debate stage with Donny T. We cats suggest that he try to come up with some other way to have a Margaret Chase Smith moment. It might do him good — at least, with Americans who don't think our country stands for hate. We cats PURR.

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