Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Halloween's Not Over Yet

By Baxter

Yes, we cats know that with the holidays upon us and the end of calendar year 2015 staring the world in the face, we're seeing a slew of articles about how the Republican Party establishment is in a full-blown panic over the fact that Donald Trump has Not Gone Away.

They should be. Trump keeps getting more obnoxious and more outrageous — and we cats fervently hope that CNN not only tells Donald to take a hike on the $5 million thing, but also calls Rancid Pieface and tells him, "Rancid, we don't have the problem. YOU have the problem."

But although we Democrats are all highly amused at the travails of the GOP, let us not forget the following:

Taking into account all the passengers of the GOP's 2016 clown car, a major American political party is on the verge of nominating — for the most important job in the world — a fool.

To drive home the point, we leave you with George Packer's chilling summation in The New Yorker. (And we suggest some Ambien to keep the nightmares away.) We cats HISS and dive under the bed.

"Next fall, the Republican Presidential nominee will be committed to taking away health insurance from 18 million people, keeping the minimum wage where it is, cutting tax rates on the wealthy to historic lows, reducing the progressivity of the income tax, creating trillions of dollars in new deficits, returning to a militarized foreign policy, and allowing Iran to resume its pursuit of a nuclear weapon by tearing up the deal just signed. If, come next November, that nominee wins the Presidency, and Congress remains in Republican hands, these commitments will start to become realities."

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