Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Circular Illogic

By Sniffles

We cats are trying to figure out this latest line of GOP reasoning: We Republicans hate Donald Trump. Donald Trump is bad for our party. Donald Trump is saying things that are unacceptable to us all. But we will support our nominee, even if it's Donald Trump.

The way they're excusing this silliness is by claiming that Donald Trump will never win the 2016 GOP nomination — ergo, etc. John Kasich is just the latest malpractitioner of this already-tired Republican line — which we cats think is the new version of "I'm not a scientist, so who am I to say if global warming is real?"

What nobody is asking, however, is why we should take the word of someone like Kasich, who's at 4 percent in the polls, that the 2016 clown-car passenger who's been in the front seat at 30 percent or higher for six months now isn't going to win.

As "Morning Joe" Scarborough has been repeating of late, if any other candidate were sitting on Trump's lead at this point, that person would already have been anointed the Republican nominee. So why doesn't Trump get that same treatment? And why can GOP candidates and members of the hapless Republican establishment try to get away with this oh-he's-never-going-to-get-nominated argument?

It makes no sense to us. But nothing on the Republican side is rational, is it? We cats PURR and HISS at the same time.

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