Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Cat Fight! Puerto Rico Versus The GOP

By Sniffles

The odious, smirky-faced Paul Ryan must be turning cartwheels today that the House of Representatives has voted to rape America with its giveaway to the rich.

Lost in all the hootin' and hollerin' is the fact that the Governor of Puerto Rico has sworn to get revenge. Why? Because the bill will damage the island's economy by raising taxes on companies doing business there — at the worst possible, post-Hurricane-Maria time.

"Everything is on the table," Ricardo Rosselló said, accusing "those who turned their back on Puerto Rico."

Please note that Governor Rosselló has previously refrained from publicly criticizing Donald Trump and the GOP, even though this hapless Republican Administration has killed more than 1,000 of Rosselló's constituents and sent more than a hundred thousand fleeing to Florida, Chicago, New York and other US havens.

A strong supporter of statehood, Rosselló has put Republicans on notice that their backstabbing, plus so many Puerto Ricans registering to vote on the mainland, will help spell doom for the GOP next year. "It's crystal clear that because we don't have that direct representation we're going to have surrogate voices, whether it's Puerto Ricans who moved to the US or the Latino community in general," he said.

The upshot? That the consequences of — and fallout from — this "beautiful" tax bill will be even more numerous and far-reaching than we thought. And no one in the GOP, not even the phony alleged super-wonk in the Speaker's chair, has the foggiest idea of how nasty this is going to get for them in 2018. We cats PURR.

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