Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Salt Lake Tribune: Bury The Hatch

By Zamboni

We cats were steaming the other day about Senator Orrin Hatch's pusillanimity on CHIP — the joint state-and-federal health insurance program for children that he and Ted Kennedy created back in the day. Funding for CHIP ran out weeks ago, and the GOP appears content to let it die — just like the kids with cancer who depend on the program to cover their lifesaving drugs, we guess.

So we were just teeing off on Twitter about how we hope Hatch is haunted by the ghost of Kennedy forever when we noticed that The Salt Lake Tribune agrees with us: Utah's senior senator is a disgrace, and should retire from Congress.

Heck, they didn't even mention CHIP. They went after Hatch for the tax bill and the environment — and his timidity in the face of this awful Administration's rapacious actions against America. Recognizing Hatch as 2017's "Utahan of the Year," the paper made it clear it wasn't a compliment — it was for Hatch's "utter lack of integrity that rises from his unquenchable thirst for power."

See? Republicans have a price to pay, even in the reddest of red states, when they sell their souls to Donald Trump. We cats take this as a further excellent omen for 2018, and we PURR.

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