Saturday, June 23, 2018


By Miss Kubelik

Should Sarah Huckabee Sanders be served in a restaurant? That's the question consuming the Interwebs today.

Last night's incident at the Red Hen in Lexington, Virginia, has come hard on the heels of both Kirstjen Nielsen and Stephen Miller getting heckled and hounded at Mexican restaurants in DC. Our first thought on hearing about the Sanders kerfuffle was: What was she doing 190 miles outside of Washington at dinnertime on a Friday night? The White House briefing was canceled — is that because SHS couldn't bear the thought of defending child concentration camps, and needed to get as far from the madding crowd as she could?

If so, it didn't work. Of all the gin joints in all the towns in the world, she walked into Stephanie Wilkinson's.

It's becoming increasingly clear that this Presidency is such an historic disaster — such an offensive piece of traitorous crap — and will go down in American history as 50 times worse than James Buchanan's, Warren Harding's and Herbert Hoover's — that anyone associated with it will not only be unemployable for the rest of their lives, they'll be paraded through the streets with shaved heads when it's over.

We've been torn today by the various arguments going back and forth on Sanders. But in the end, we have to stand firm on this: Public shaming should be a thing. The migrant children crying for their parents have pushed us over the edge, and every single one of these Trumpsters should be hounded from the public square, where honesty and decency should prevail. November is coming. We cats PURR.

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