Thursday, June 14, 2018

Stalag 2018

By Zamboni

Wow. When even Franklin Graham is slamming you, you've got a problem. Maybe the Trumpsters should rethink their child concentration camps?

Folks on Twitter are already comparing Trump's and Sessions's rip-the-kids-from-their-parents policy at the border to the Holocaust, and we cats can understand why. In fact, we've been thinking quite a bit about World War II these days.

First, that it's a war we never thought we'd have to re-fight. Sure, we often have to be vigilant about protecting hard-fought gains, like women's rights and civil rights. But beating National Socialism? We thought we did that. Now we have Nazis in the streets of Charlottesville, and ICE agents acting like the SS. Incredible.

The United States used to be the place that everyone wanted to go. It was the only country on earth that you could arrive with nothing and be lifted up. We've had our national sins, but in so many ways and for so many years we were seen as a force for good. That's why, when the Third Reich was collapsing in 1945, German soldiers desperately tried to surrender to American troops rather than the Soviets. They knew that our guys would treat them humanely. The Russians, not so much.

You can argue till you're blue in the face that Nazi troops would have deserved everything the Soviets, whose country Hitler invaded, could have dished out — and it still won't matter to us. Stories like that make us proud to be American.

Today, though, we're not proud at all. We're appalled. We're disgusted. We're aghast. And we're not sure we can ever step foot in a Walmart, either. We cats HISS.

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