Friday, June 29, 2018

Dear Congresswoman Stefanik: You And Your Party Are Screwing Your District

By Zamboni

There's a lot of traffic across the Quebec-New York border — for shopping, for outings, for work, and for folks who want to fly out of Plattsburgh International Airport. At least, there is when normal people are running things in Washington.

Now, things are getting a little dicey. In fact, now that the Supreme Court has upheld Donald Drumpf's Muslim ban on a close 5-4 vote, Canadians, none too thrilled, may take their business elsewhere.

Take Fariha Naqvi-Mohamed, a lifestyle blogger who says that while the Muslim ban doesn't apply to her per se, she's done going shopping in Plattsburgh. She'll spend her money in the True North instead.

"Not going to the US is my personal protest," she writes in today's Montreal Gazette. "I am offended that Muslims are being portrayed as a security threat... Rather than vacationing south of the border this summer, you can catch me grilling my tandoori chicken here at home."

So we cats say, way to go, Elise Stefanik. Plattsburgh is in her — and our — Congressional district, and we can only assume that Ms. Naqvi-Mohamed's not the only Canadian boycotting us. Since Congresswoman Stefanik is one of those Republican phonies who claims to be "moderate" but who in truth aligns with Trump all the way, we will do everything we can to un-elect her this fall. Plattsburgh's economic health depends on it. We cats HISS.

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