Thursday, December 12, 2019

"Dignity, Always Dignity"

By Miss Kubelik

If you're feeling politically exhausted (and who isn't?), we don't blame you. We're experiencing a touch of it ourselves.

The President of the United States is harassing a 16-year-old girl on Twitter. (#BeBest?) DUI dude Matt Gaetz goes after Hunter Biden on substance abuse. (Thankfully, Democratic Congressman Hank Johnson of Georgia gave him his comeuppance.) Fat Mike Huckabee is claiming that Trump will be eligible to run against in 2024. (Sorry, nope.) And we haven't even mentioned Bill Barr yet.

Meanwhile, the UK is voting. Something about "Berxit" (see above). Loathing Boris Johnson as we do, and feeling not much more positive about Jeremy Corbyn, we're not into it. So we've decided to focus on stupid typos instead.

Actually, there is one more thing, and it's a picker-upper: Dogs at the voting stations. Apparently it's a tradition for Britons to have their pooches come to the polls. Which is cute. We admit we'd rather see folks bring their felines — but if it's a choice between "Berxit" and Bowser, we'll take Bowser. We cats PURR.

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