Saturday, February 27, 2021

False Gods

By Miss Kubelik

Can the Republican Party go ahead and destroy itself already? Because America is starting to get worried. It's unclear how the country can move forward with one of its major political parties devolving into a Nazi-ish personality cult.

On the one hand, we cats like the idea that Republicans who join forces with the crazies will lose elections and further marginalize themselves. On the other hand, if we Democrats don't message correctly, voters won't understand that the GOP is the party that wants people to remain poor, sick and probably dead. Why else would all the Republican members of the House vote against the COVID-relief bill?

Our one comfort is that Team Biden appears to know that they have to go big on a wide range of issues — not just the pandemic. After all, we Democrats are one fatal COVID case away from losing the majority in the Senate. And Biden learned from the Obama Administration to go badass when they can. We're also reassured by the strong start they've had coming out of the gate. Five weeks of competence can make a world of difference, can't it?

Still, there's that crazy cult lurking out there. The insistence on the fantasy that the 2020 election was stolen is a cancer at the heart of democracy. The question is, will it grow? We cats worry, and we HISS.

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