Thursday, February 4, 2021

The Greene Party

By Zamboni

Remember the good old days of John Boehner, another hapless Republican leader who was railroaded by the extremists in his party? If Boehner tried to pass legislation and got one Democrat to cross over and support it, he would tout it as a wildly bipartisan vote. 

Which means that today's vote to boot Marjorie Taylor Greene off her Congressional committees was off-the-charts, super-duper bipartisan, with 11 GOP members joining in the fun. 

On the other hand, you could flip that around and say that because 199 House Republicans voted "nay," we Democrats will be able to hang the QAnon lady around the neck of the GOP for gleeful months and years to come. The advertising geniuses must already be hard at work.

Greene's ridiculous internet screeds about Jewish space lasers, George Soros, missing 9/11 planes, and Democrats eating babies aren't the only videos that should make it into those ads. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer gave a particularly powerful speech on the floor this afternoon that offered up some potent soundbites. He shamed Republicans for their cowardice by reminding the world that the "Squad," whom Greene had targeted with thinly veiled threats during her 2020 campaign, were moms, public servants and human beings.

Kevin McCarthy probably believes that last night's Cheney vote and today's Greene vote were wins for him: Liz survived, and the Democrats did his dirty work for him on Madam Q. But although Greene won't be stirring up trouble on the Education & Labor Committee, she's not going anywhere any time soon. It's just the latest instance of the GOP and its so-called leaders failing the moral test of how much hate and treason they'll tolerate. We cats HISS.

(IMAGE: Mike Luckovich, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution)

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