Saturday, May 1, 2021

The Vexing Vaxx Mystery

By Zamboni

How strange is it that Trumpsters want Benedict Donald to get credit for Operation Warp Speed, but so many of them refuse to take the vaccine?

This bugs us, not because we care about whether Trumpsters live or die, but because we want the US to achieve herd immunity so we can all go back to our normal lives and so that Canada will open its border again.

The New York Times rubbed this in our faces this morning with a feature on rural, conservative, Christian Tennessee, and the yahoos there who refuse to get the shot. Very annoying — and perplexing. We keep seeing obits of people who are way too young to be checking out — in their 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s — and they're dying from COVID. Why would you want to chance it?

So we were trying to think: Who could come out as pro-vaccine who these people would listen to? The execrable FOX "News" hosts (Ingraham, Hannity and Carlson)? Of course, they'd never do it. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is probably admired in northeastern Tennessee, but then last year, he announced he was voting for Biden. Ted Nugent should — but he won't. Maybe Rush Limbaugh? WHOOPS, too late.

Then suddenly it dawned on us that the only person who could turn these folks around would be Benedict Donald himself. The fact that he's taken no action on this, despite having been vaccinated himself, is not surprising — but just more proof of what a selfish, disgusting, genocidal monster he is. We cats HISS.

(IMAGE: Getty)

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