Monday, May 24, 2021

Tidbits And Cat Treats: One Year Later Edition

By Baxter

Victoria Day in Canada has just about wrapped up, and we cats would like to extend our heartiest congratulations to our neighbors to the north for passing an important milestone over the weekend: 50 percent of Canadians have received at least one COVID vaccine. They're really ramping up! And here are some other news stories we're occupying ourselves with at the moment.

Things have gotten so fraught on the Republican side of life. The party is still being taken over by the crazies, and it's getting worse. The Republican Party of Clark County, Nevada, for example, was supposed to have met tomorrow night, but they've canceled the confab — out of concern that their members would not be safe. Seems that a bunch of local Proud Boys and Stop the Steal maniacs have been threatening people's lives if they don't vote "the right way." (And yes, they've been posting on an anti-Semitic messaging app. What lovely people.)

Which brings us to Marjorie Taylor Greene. The nutjob Republican Congresswoman has stirred up a whole bunch of deserved outrage by comparing the House's face-mask mandate to the Holocaust. (Gee, we weren't aware that Jews back then could have gotten some sort of vaccination that would have kept them safe from the Nazis.) Now the criticism is spilling over on House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, who's being portrayed and too weak and wishy-washy to rein Greene in. We cats have a different take: What if McCarthy is refusing to take any action against Greene because he secretly agrees with her?

Finally, can you believe that this edition of The New York Times was one year ago today? Now, unbelievably, we're edging close to 600,000 deaths — which is what happens when you don't get a competent Administration running things until they're sworn in eight months later. You know, Benedict Donald will probably get his comeuppance on tax issues, like Al Capone. But he's really a mass murderer. We cats HISS.

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