Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Democracy On The Edge

By Sniffles

Today was President Biden's big voting-rights speech in Philadelphia, and we cats have some thoughts.

Although he never said the word filibuster, Biden had a message for Senate Democrats: Get the John Lewis Act done, whatever it takes. So all we're hearing from the TV talking heads is "Manchin-and-Sinema, Manchin-and-Sinema, Manchin-and-Sinema." We get it: Senate Democrats need all 50 of their caucus to back the act — plus one (the Vice President). But when it comes to the filibuster, why focus exclusively on the Democrats? Why do the media never talk about the 50 white supremacists on the other side of the aisle?

For example, why is Tim Scott in favor of suppressing Black Americans' votes? Why aren't Roy Blunt and Pat Toomey backing their constituents' most sacred right? They're not running for re-election — what have they got to lose? Why doesn't Lisa Murkowski show more courage? She's already got a Trump-endorsed primary challenger, so what is there to fear? Why doesn't anyone ask Susan Collins, who's not up for re-election in five-and-a-half years, if she's on the side of Joseph McCarthy or Margaret Chase Smith?

This drives us crazy.

It's all heightened by the excerpt The Washington Post ran today from the a book by Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker, about Trump World on Election Night. Even though you know the 2020 outcome, you still get the heebie-jeebies, reading it. The Trump war room set up on federal property — the White House and the Executive Office Building — because Benedict Donald refused to submit to DC coronavirus restrictions at his Pennsylvania Avenue hotel. Rudy Giuliani running around drunk and screaming, "Just say you won." General Mark Milley getting creepy phone calls at home: "Your loyalty is to the Constitution. You represent the stability of this republic." Karl Rove, tapped to talk Trump down. Trump's head exploding when FOX called Arizona for Biden. "I can't lose to this f---- guy!" Such class.

Which is why Biden's words today were so perfect: "In America, if you lose, you accept the results. You don’t call facts 'fake' and then try to bring down the American experiment just because you're unhappy."

You know what's funny? Joe Biden doesn't really know what it's like to lose a general election. The only races he's lost were Presidential primaries. Is anybody on Team Trump smart enough to point that out? We doubt it. We cats PURR.

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