Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Of Course Her Name Is "Dick"

By Sniffles

This cheerful gal is in hot legal water for hanging these pro-Benedict Donald banners on her Roselle Park, New Jersey, property. Tastefully pixilated here, you can tell they're emblazoned with the F word.

Like the occasional displays we cats see here in upstate New York, these Trumpsters never seem to know where to stop, do they? They're not content with a single American flag or even a circle of little Old Glorys surrounding a tree. No, they fly multiple flags, from "Trump 2020" to "Back the Blue," and they keep their old campaign yard signs out in all weathers. Everything's wilting now, or on the verge of it, making their owners look like sad idiots.

Or, like this Dick woman's banners, they violate anti-obscenity laws. In her case, due to a rash of complaints she'll be fined $250 a day if she doesn't take the naughty ones down, because schoolchildren walk by them on their way to class.

Dick, as you'd imagine, is screaming about her First Amendment rights, so it will boil down to that versus community standards, anti-nuisance laws, and what-not. As the judge who ordered the banners' removal noted, "There are alternative methods for the defendant to express her pleasure or displeasure with certain political figures."

It all seems pretty pathetic. We cats watched American democracy being systematically dismantled for four horrible years, and we never resorted to hanging "F--- Trump" banners on our homes. (Our HOA wouldn't allow it, anyway.) Instead, we gave money to Democratic candidates, volunteered for our local Democratic campaigns, got the vote out and voted ourselves, and helped toss Benedict Donald and the Republicans from power. It's a lot more effective than screaming obscenities into the wind, which is what silly sore losers like Andrea Dick do. We cats HISS.

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