Monday, September 20, 2021

Bien Fait, Canada

By Sniffles

Canadian broadcasters are projecting a Liberal win tonight, but it's unclear whether it will be a majority or minority. Considering how much the talking heads have dumped on Justin Trudeau this election, we cats consider it a victory to even have whispers of a majority happening now.

It wouldn't be unheard of, however, if some of the western provinces surprise. The COVID pandemic is so terrible in Alberta and Saskatchewan right now that we wouldn't be shocked if the Liberals rack up some interesting numbers there.

Also, the other issue that's resonating tonight is climate change. Young voters are having their say.

So, more tomorrow. In the meantime, PMJT will still be PMJT come tomorrow. We cats PURR.

UPDATE, September 21: Talking heads are calling it the status quo election, and big-picture-wise, it was. But look at some of the individual ridings. The Conservative Party lost two seats in Alberta, with a third race too close to call. "There's such a symbolic value when a riding shifts in Alberta," a pollster said. We cats PURR.

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