Saturday, September 4, 2021

Donald Trump Jr. Endorses DC Statehood

By Miss Kubelik

We cats were just thinking that for stories about the corporations that have nothing to say about Texas's wildly restrictive new abortion law, journalism is going about it all wrong. Instead of writing headlines along the lines of "Corporations remain silent," they should say this: "American Airlines/Southwest Airlines/Dell/Whole Foods/Fill-In-The-Blank Opposes Women's Reproductive Rights."

Hence our own headline tonight. Because Spawn o' Trump just tweeted this image of the American flag. Thing is, it's the 51-star flag — the proposed design for when the District of Columbia becomes a state. HAW!

(He's since deleted it. Kinda embarrassing.)

Just one quick question: If Benedict Donald is going to announce any day that he's running in 2024, why is he trying to offload his DC hotel? Still and all, we cats couldn't think of any better development for Democratic victories in 2022 than to have Trump announce he's running in '24 right now. Have at it, Donald! We cats PURR.

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