Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Sorry, Not Sorry, Sorry Again

By Baxter

Do you feel overwhelmed by the recent wave of articles about anti-vaxxers who have died from COVID? It's hard not to wonder if you keep reading the same report over and over. Nope! A lot of Trumpy idiots have campaigned against coronavirus shots, masks and vaccine passports — and a lot of them are dead.

This website, in fact, collects their stories. Take a look if you want the death details of such right-wing fools like Bob Enyart, Marc Bernier, and, especially, QAnon nutcase Veronica Wolski. Ah, Veronica Wolski! Social media is full of videos of her brazenly accosting innocent mask wearers in retail stores, juxtaposed beside a horrifying photo of her in the hospital just before COVID killed her. Team Q is very upset that the hospital did the right thing and refused to give her ivermectin, which would have caused her to check out sooner.

All in all, an incredibly satisfying web browsing experience — if you're hopeful that with all these conspiracy theorists committing avoidable suicide, the national IQ will rise a few points. But it does get a bit overwhelming. How is it possible that among the Trump fanatics and Q-y nuts, you find high school science teachers, expectant parents and even healthcare providers in the mix? In what unique way has America failed in order to produce people like that? It's depressing. We cats HISS.

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