Saturday, November 6, 2021

As Joe Would Say...

By Miss Kubelik

Happy Infrastructure Week at last! Joe Biden got a huge win last night on legislation that Benedict Donald blustered on but never did actually anything about. As we all know, Trump's so-called negotiation abilities are a mirage. Turns out that Biden, with his centuries of service in Washington, was the perfect President to make it happen.

The Beltway talking heads say, "But it took so long!" — and they're yammering about Manchin and Sinema and the progressives and AOC and the Democrats being in disarray — but they fail to remember that the Republicans have abrogated their responsibility to govern. So the process, if not the final vote, ended up being intraparty, contributing to its general unsightliness. 

(Side note: Sorry about all this, Terry McAuliffe. But OTOH, we don't think an infrastructure bill would have overcome the GOP's appeal to racism in Virginia.)

In the old days, a bill like Biden's would have gone through the usual sausage-making, with Congressional committee hearings and Senators like Romney and Murkowski working with the Democrats to see what they could get out of it. Not now. The GOP is one big party of nope-nope-nopety-nope, leaving us to deliver for the country on our own.

We hear that Biden called Congresswoman Jayapal's mother in India last night to celebrate. A brilliant, classy move. Although we can all be frustrated at the perfidy of the Republican Party, let's savor the fact that this year, the Democrats have vaccinated the heck out of people, provided COVID relief, cut child poverty in half, created more than five million jobs, and now have passed a trillion-dollar investment in America. Benedict Donald and the GOP gave a trillion bucks to rich people. We cats HISS and PURR at the same time.

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