Friday, November 19, 2021

Great (For Us), Terrible (For Them)

By Sniffles

You might not know it if you only watch the gloom-and-doom talking heads on cable news, but we Democrats have had a fantastic week.

We kicked it off with the sun-dappled signing of the Infrastructure Bill on the South Lawn of the White House. Then stuff just kept happening. While some of it was maddening and alarming, it quickly became apparent how awful it was for the Republican Party.

Like the clownish antics at the Kyle Rittenhouse trial. They were a huge reminder of what Donald Trump's America was like, and why, thank God, we voted a year ago to rid ourselves of it.

Then there was the admission by the Bureau of Labor Statistics that it had grossly under-counted the number of jobs created over the summer, by 626,000 (!). Add to that the latest easing of supply chain backups at our ports (the congestion in Los Angeles is down 29 percent), and the expected positive jolt from the Infrastructure Act, and we'd say that economically, things are looking up.

Finally, the icing on the cake: The House of Representatives just passed Build Back Better.

And the Republicans? While our side was taking action for the American people, the GOP was busy defending the indefensible Paul Gosar, tripping all over themselves to admire Kyle Rittenhouse, and giving nonsensical eight-hour speeches on the House floor that only served to push the BBB vote till now — thus ensuring coverage this morning, all day, and into the Sunday shows.

Speaking of those shows, we must say that it wasn't a stellar week for the media, either. We haven't seen either The New York Times or The Washington Post correct their Gosar censure stories to reflect the fact that the disgraced, committee-less Congressman retweeted his offending anime after the vote. And CNN, prior to its whiny "Americans aren't feeling the effects of the Infrastructure Bill yet," did a disgraceful hit job on Vice President Harris's trip to France, which in reality was a succès extraordinaire. We think we're done with them.

But nothing can dampen our smugness now. Just one reminder: Team Biden is accomplishing terrific things. Now go out and sell it, Democrats. We cats PURR.

(IMAGE: The Honorable Nancy Pelosi, the greatest Speaker of the House of modern times.)

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