Saturday, July 23, 2022

Heads, Not Tails

By Hubie and Bertie

We cats are torn. Political violence is always unacceptable, and if you looked at incidents throughout American history, you'd probably find that it's taken the lives of more Democrats than Republicans.

But when some squiffy dude tried to "assassinate" GOP Congressman and hapless New York gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin (the verb is The New York Post's, not ours), he used a self-defense key fob in the shape of our head. Hmmmm.

Not only does the fob come in fashion colors (although it appears that Zeldin's attacker chose basic black), but wow — you put that in your hand when you're walking to your car alone in a dark parking garage, and not only will you have your keys handy, you'll be ready at a moment's notice to gouge a mugger's eyes out.

Thing is, the cat head self-defense key fob is clearly meant for women. So it's ironic that it plays such a big role in this story, because Lee Zeldin is not a female-friendly politician. He's anti-choice, voted "no" on the Violence Against Women Act, voted to let states waive Obamacare's provisions for maternity, pregnancy and newborn care, and refuses to support equal pay. He even voted against giving STEM grants to girls. So excuse us if we're unmoved by all this. We cats HISS.

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