Thursday, July 28, 2022

Olivia For The Win

By Zamboni

Maybe you've heard by now that Matt Gaetz's fat-shaming of Gen Z badass Olivia Julianna just raised $1 million to help women in red states who need abortions. What a feel-good story for those of us who are sick and tired of Trumpsters behaving like children. (P.S. Speaking of kids, we're still looking forward to Gaetz's indictment for underage sex trafficking. That hasn't gone away.)

Meanwhile, in the same week, right wingers and Republicans have been criticizing Vice President Kamala Harris for verbally describing herself to a group of blind people she was meeting with on the anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. (Pro tip: Harris did what you're supposed to do with the blind and partially blind.) Even January 6 committee member Adam Kinzinger jumped on the bandwagon, claiming that sensitivity like the kind Harris displayed turns off voters, and is the reason Democrats lose elections. Really?

Kinzinger's response is silly. But it helps us understand why the Republican Party didn't shun Trump back in 2016, when he mocked a disabled reporter. It also makes you wonder: Why should Americans vote for a party that clearly doesn't respect them? Whose members, in fact, go out of their way to deride and insult them?

Harris probably isn't bothered by all this, but the GOP is clearly terrified of her. Is it because she's beautiful? Not much to mock there, so they grasp at ridiculous straws. We cats PURR.

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