Friday, September 9, 2022

Charles, Climate Champion

By Baxter

Lots of speculation going on today about what kind of monarch Charles will be. (Sorry, we're having a hard time referring to him as "King Charles." First, because we want to say "Spaniel" after that, but also because goodness gracious, he's always been Prince of Wales to us.)

The BBC documentary that aired tonight implied that Charles would set aside all the causes that he supported as Prince: sustainable farming, opportunities for underserved young people, etc. But there's one that we hope he doesn't leave behind: climate.

The world is teetering on the brink of ecological disaster. Just imagine how much influence a new King of England could bring to bear on the need to grapple with this difficult challenge.

In the United States, Republicans have abdicated responsibility on global warming — even people like Marco Rubio, whose state will surely be submerged by rising sea waters by mid-century. But an international movement for climate mitigation, headed by a newly anointed British King, and supported by progressive leaders like President Biden, could make the difference between World Saved and World Doomed.

We're rooting for this. In the meantime, we cats wish our friends in the UK well, and we PURR.

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