Friday, September 2, 2022

If The Shoe Fits, As They Say

By Baxter

In case you were wondering if Dark Brandon was exaggerating last night when he talked about MAGA Republicans as a threat to democracy, take it from us, he was not.

We could make a depressing inventory of all the Trumpy candidates across the country who have called for political violence, but for now we'll just settle for the most recent one we've seen: a Republican gubernatorial candidate in Wisconsin who's pushing "pitchforks and torches." How very Charlottesville of him.

But gosh, Republicans are big mad today. Looks like President Biden touched a nerve, and the GOP got their fee-fees hurt. That's because everything Dark Brandon said last night was true.

And, in true Trumpy fashion, events today have overtaken the speech. The FBI released its inventory list from its search of Mar-a-Lago on August 8, and the news is not pretty. Benedict Donald is a threat to democracy? Yep. And also a threat to national security? Sadly, also yes.

Sooner or later Republicans are going to have to peel away from Trump. They've been riding the tiger for years now, but with Donald's treason growing clearer and clearer, it's going to have to happen. In the meantime, they can rail at Dark Brandon all they want, but they've made their bed. In the words of Harry Truman: "I don't give them hell. I tell them the truth, and they think it's hell." We cats PURR.

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