Sunday, September 4, 2022

Defending Democracy Is Not Partisan

By Zamboni

It would be interesting to go back to the news media in Germany in 1933 to see how much on board they were with Hitler taking over via a sleight of hand. Did they say it was okay, or raise an alarm? Did they practice bothsidesism? Because the American press right now is surely doing that.

President Biden gave an important speech on Thursday night. From what we can tell, the cable networks have been droning without pause as to whether Biden owes the Trumpy Republican Party an apology. And since Trump held one of his "shows" in Pennsylvania last night, how many of them have pointed out that it was 1) rambling, 2) filled with grievances, 3) admitted more stuff that will make the DOJ sit up and take notice, and 4) implicitly called for violence, thereby making Biden's point?

We cats have no idea, because our TV is off. Cable news was already unbearable, and now that CNN has been taken over by the right wingers, and MSNBC is barely tolerable, we're probably relegated to C-SPAN for our political news. And the newspapers, which have old content, and sometimes don't even get delivered when they should.

American journalism is in a sorry state. They play such a significant role in the preservation of democracy that we cats are worried. In the meantime, we can only choose to amplify the President's message, and to join with others in saying: This midterm election is more important than any other midterm in our history. We're not kidding. Register to vote, check your registration often, and for God's sake, VOTE this November. Otherwise, the country's done for. We cats PURR.

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