Saturday, January 28, 2023

Franciszek Michalik, Catholic Priest, Died In Auschwitz 1941

By Zamboni

We cats follow the Auschwitz Memorial Museum on Twitter, for many reasons. But most important, because we all must remember.

Every time the museum posts a tweet about a Holocaust victim — when and where he or she was born, when he or she went to the camps, and whether or not he or she died or survived the war — we take a few minutes in our busy day and focus on that person. We think about what his or her experience must have been like.

Too often, the final report is that the person "was murdered in the gas chamber after the selection." But not always. Some survive.

We do this because it's the right thing — but also because anti-Semitism seems to be on the rise again. As Americans, we know that it's because Benedict Donald gave us permission to be our own worst selves. This has to stop. We cats HISS.

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