Tuesday, January 17, 2023


By Miss Kubelik

What's more hilarious — that the hypocrite Matt Schlapp has finally been publicly sued by someone he homosexually assaulted, or that the someone turned out to be from the Herschel Walker campaign? Such a fine coda to the Republicans' Georgia nightmare. We cats are loving every minute.

The Schlapps' attorney has averred that his clients are "suffering unbearable pain and stress" from the victim's lawsuit. Yes, it must be terrible to wait for all those other shoes out there to drop. Is there a Gloria Allred-type lawyer who specializes in suing famous gay-hating homosexuals who fondle men and expect them to keep quiet about it? Because that person could get a ton of business just from the folks who haven't yet, um, schlapped back. We're sure of it.

Matt Schlapp has always seemed incredibly gay, so it's surprising that this hasn't happened earlier. But we didn't like to think about it much. One, the subject of Matt Schlapp is nauseating, and two, gays who hide their sexuality and demonize those who don't are depressing. We couldn't care less about their "unbearable pain and stress" — we worry about the pain and stress they cause others, prey included.

So what the accuser from the Walker campaign must be going through is a shame. But we cheer his attempt to hold his assailant to account. Let's hope Matt gets more than a schlapp on the wrist. We cats PURR.

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