Friday, April 28, 2023

Sense And Sensibility

By Sniffles

We cats have nine lives, which means we remember a lot of stuff that maybe you faithful blogmeisters don't. Case in point: There was a time, dear readers, when Charles Philip Arthur George was considered hot.

Yes, it was a brief window of time. He was heir to the throne, single, in his early thirties, and had gone to school in Australia — by all accounts a wonderful time for him, because he'd been treated like everyone else and, most important perhaps, had gotten away from the suffocating presence of his father, Prince Philip. With his subsequent military service, jumping in and out of planes and helicopters, Charles was known then as "Action Man."

We're just mentioning this because it's important that people have historical context before they jump on the anti-coronation bandwagon.

Look, if there's anyone who's having trouble with this "His Majesty the King" thing, it's us. It's beyond weird to think that there's another British sovereign on the throne. But if anyone recognizes how times have changed since his mother's coronation in 1953, it's probably Charles. (Or, if not Charles, Camilla — who strikes us as eminently sensible and savvy. Check this out if you're not convinced.)

We have no quibble with Britons who complain about how much the coronation will cost. We're American taxpayers, after all. But we'll probably tune in nevertheless, because May 6 will be history. The remaining controversies, we believe, will be left up to the King. In the meantime, if Charles III ends up being a major spokesperson for combating climate change, for example, we won't complain — the world needs all the progressive voices it can get. We cats PURR.

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