Friday, April 7, 2023

Thank God It's Good Friday

By Zamboni

This has been a pretty swell week. Benedict Donald was arraigned, Janet Protasiewicz won a state supreme court seat in Wisconsin, federal appeals courts have ruled against Trump, and the GOP committed suicide in Tennessee by expelling two African-American state representatives for demonstrating in favor of gun control.

Still, progressives will find a lot of discouragement. A Trumpster judge has outlawed the abortion pill. Clarence Thomas has embodied the corruption of the Supreme Court, with no immediate remedy available. Anti-Semitism appears to be on the rise. So what are we to think? Are we optimistic, or not?

We cats believe that the young people will step up. After all, they've voted like crazy in the last few elections. And since the Tennessee state legislature has told them to go eff themselves, the fight is on.

Republicans think that they can suppress progress. They're wrong.

As playwright Tony Kushner wrote, "The world only spins forward. We will be citizens. The time has come...the great work begins."

Or, as Senator Raphael Warnock tweeted: "Watching events unfold in Tennessee, I am reminded this Good Friday that evil always goes too far, and therefore contains with itself the seeds of its own demise. Sunday comes. Truth crushed to earth will rise again." We cats PURR.

P.S. Always look on the bright side of life. 

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