Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Things Are Looking UP(S)

By Miss Kubelik

Anyone who mainly shops by Amazon is happy today that there will be no UPS strike — the company and the Teamsters Union have reached a settlement. This is good for the UPS employees, who will get a pay raise, and good for the economy. So, yay!

We cats wasted absolutely no time worrying about an impending strike, because it just didn't make sense to fret about something over which only the union and the company had control. In fact, we've been ignoring a lot of doomsayers lately. They're all in the mainstream media, the members of which are in a constant state of hand-wringing, fearmongering, and anti-Biden frenzy.

The latest was the crew of Cassandras who were already predicting that a prolonged UPS strike would not just tank the economy but obliterate Biden's re-election chances. So, once again, they've been proven wrong. Never mind — they'll just start hunting for the next sparkly object that will magically destroy the Biden campaign.

It's all amusing, except for the media's irritating habit of portraying Biden-Harris as "getting lucky breaks" when it comes to the economy. Truth be told, most of the country's current economic state — cooling inflation, record-low unemployment, and fading fears of recession — is due not to good fortune but to the Administration's deliberate planning and choices. Elections matter, you see. We cats PURR.

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