Monday, July 3, 2023


By Sniffles

The Trumpsters and Republicans are all about projection, right? Their shtick these days is "Biden corruption" and "Biden treason" — which is pretty funny when you consider how the Trumps used the federal government as their personal piggy bank and how Donald shared national security documents with people who had no business seeing them. So when they toss about accusations like that, they're just proving they're worried about what's coming down the pike.

That said, who knows what to make of this extraordinarily bizarre DeSantis ad? Is he trying to hint that he's secretly gay? One of those heavily closeted, self-loathing homosexuals? That's a lazy trope that we try to avoid, but this thing is a head-scratcher. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg kind of sums up everyone's puzzlement here.

Whatever the answer, the ad is a huge misfire. Rumors are flying that Team DeSantis has had to spend the holiday weekend working the phones to placate upset donors. But Rhonda can't take it down — that would be admitting a mistake, for which Benedict Donald would endlessly mock him. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy! We cats PURR.

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